
Live a Life Worth Repeating!

Looking in the mirror after the shave!

“The ink is within you; write the story of your life.” ~ Augusta Golf Girl   
Within all of us is a desire to live our lives in our own special way. 
I cannot tell you how you feel or who you are as a person, but I can share with you my own thoughts and who I am trying to become. Maybe my thoughts will make you laugh, maybe they will spark something within you, or maybe they will simply be just thoughts. I’m okay with all of that. 
I’ve had a major mind shift within the past few years from living  a life of routine to creating a life I’d love to live again. This one mind shift has caused me to pay more attention to the things that really matter: happiness, quality of life, family, learning and growing as a person, and loving myself in a positive manner. 
Life truly is a journey.  We can decide to go on a magical journey of adventure and exploration or a journey simply filled with destinations. I want my life journey to be filled with exploring and adventure.  I am focusing my intentions on creating that life. It is my decision to make and my goal to accomplish. I do not want to do it alone, nor could I. I want to allow myself to be open to everything and everyone. That’s a life worth creating. 
Let’s get out our ink and write our story, together. 
{Cheers!} to living a life worth repeating. 
I would be honored to hear your thoughts. I can always be reached at sandie@augustagolfgirl.com or feel free to leave a comment here.  

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