What ever happened to the art of being a woman? To owning your femininity and embracing your sensuality? I quite frankly adore being a woman. I always have. Even as a little girl, playing dress-up was one of my favorite things to do, and it still is.
But, I didn't grow up with the openness I now have. I grew up Independent Baptist, in a very strict and conservative family. Up until high school I went to a private school where religion and old-fashioned beliefs were taught daily. {Girls were taught about managing a household and how to be a lady. I couldn't tell you what the boys were taught, as we were not allowed in their classes.} Girls weren't allowed to wear pants, we wore uniforms of tartan skirts, knee-high socks and dress shoes. Yes, the whole school-girl get-up. Only, I never thought it was anything special. I wanted so badly to be able to express my individuality. That is where I am finally getting to in my life...
Along the way I've met some intriguing people, from whom I've learned a lot. The great thing about relationships is what you learn from them. Being open-minded to new people and ideas is imperative to learning. You must open your mind and grow. You must face everyday with the attitude that you know nothing and go into the world as a sponge soaking up valuable knowledge.
One friendship during my college years was with a Canadian eye surgeon, he was a very unique and highly intelligent person. He and I would go on to have hours and hours of the most fascinating conversations. It was through this friendship that I first learned of the author Nancy Friday. I have since read all of her books. Her writings have cause me to open my mind and embrace my sexuality. I am now comfortable in my own skin, and this is how I learned to also embrace my sensuality. It is a difficult thing for a lot of women to do.
Americans have turned the word sexuality into a bad word, it isn't. Being comfortable with my sexuality means that I can wear heels and lingerie for me, I can talk about sex without feeling strange and I am in charge of my own sex life. Yes, life is good. I love being a woman and I wish I could help more women to get back in touch with their own sexuality.
So in closing, if you're a man who's looking to help your wife or girlfriend to become more womanly and/or embrace their own sensuality, buy her a Nancy Friday book. Wrap it with love and deliver it with a smile. If you're a woman who maybe had the same upbringing as myself or just wants to learn and grown, go out and buy yourself a Nancy Friday book and embrace being a woman.
P.s. Guys she wrote a book just for you, "Men in Love", you may want to pick it up and open your own mind. I also read this one just so I could understand the male side of sexuality. It was eye-opening.
{Cheers!} to life and the art of being a woman! ~ Sandie
Thoughts? Questions? Ideas? you can always reach me at sandie@augustagolfgirl.com
Thanks for the suggestion on the book. I am always looking for a great read. I definitely agree with you about embracing sexuality. I also went to a private school and am also just feeling good in my own skin. It is a marvelous thing! I have found that there are actually a lot of men that are intimidated by this.